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What Does The New Smoke Alarm Legislation Mean For Me?

If you haven’t already heard the news, here it is: Smoke alarm legislation is changing on the 1st January 2017.

Every home will soon require photoelectric type smoke alarms to be installed and interconnected within all bedrooms and connecting hallways. Previously, there were two types of smoke alarms that could be legally installed in your home: photoelectric and ionization devices. All new smoke alarms are now required to be photoelectric devices. Photoelectric smoke alarms detect visible particles of combustion, meaning that they detect smouldering fires much faster than ionization type smoke detectors.

Moreover, the new legislation also states that all of the smoke alarms within a household must be interlinked. The interlinking of a smoke alarm system ensures each alarm will work as a part of an integrated system. This means that if a smoke alarm in your kitchen is triggered, the interlinked alarm in your bedrooms will also be activated.

Smoke alarms will have to be less than 10 years old. You can easily check this on the alarm itself by removing the cover panel. When removing the cover panel you can also check if your existing alarm is the correct type.

The rules and regulations surrounding the location, installation and maintenance of smoke alarms in all residential homes is now much more involved. If you would like more information, we would recommend reading the Queensland Government’s new smoke alarm legislation.

For any further information or if you would like to speak to one of our technicians about any of the information mentioned, please call 3870 9893.

SJK Collective

SJK Collective are a team of experts who will get the job done affordably and professionally! Situated in Brisbane, SJK Collective is a locally owned company who have been around for over 10 years. With a motto of ‘no problems, only solutions’ SJK Collective offers a full scale electrical, air conditioning, plumbing, gas and solar service to Brisbane and surrounding regions.

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